Saturday, March 16, 2013

My first post

Hello! So, i'm giving this blogging thing a try. I'm going to try and stay very humble about this process because I have always thought blogs were a little ummm...narcissistic? BUUUUT.... I am really excited to share my perspective on life and hope that in the end it benefits someone other than myself. I have SO many ideas and only so many people to share it with so I thought, hey, why not, everyone is doing it. So, let's see how it goes.

To start, I married the love of my life nearly one year ago. It was by far the best day of my life.
(Photo credit: Jimmy Ho Photography)

And wedding planning was a FULL TIME job. So, when that all came to an end I felt like I had lost a loved one. It was definitely an adjustment getting back into the everyday swing of life without a wedding to plan. That's when baking, DIYing and generally tearing my house apart on a daily basis became the norm.

I also became obsessed with Pinterest. A.K.A the black hole of productivity. Here is what i'm currently obsessing over.

Pink Peonies. 
If my husband wasn't allergic to everything, I would put these in every room!

Green Smoothes.
They don't always taste great, but they are great for the waste-line.

Mint. Spring. Bling.
Can't get enough mint these days.

Annnnnnd one of these at my bedside in the AM please.

Alrighty, well this has been exceptionally fun! I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing! Don't forget to check out my Jaybird Cupcakery tab for more information about purchasing my delicious treats . And my about section to reading about my where my inspiration for this blog came from. Happy reading!!

Party Nicole

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