Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Cupcake CRAZE

I have been ABSOLUTELY overwhelmed by the love and support I have received from friends and family over the past week. I have had tons of inquiries, people coming out of the wood work to help me spread my words and my passion, and THREE large orders for cupcakes ALREADY!!! I cannot thank everyone enough for helping me share what I love and make it a reality for me. With that being said, I sent out my first batch of cupcakes yesterday morning and I couldn't help but wonder if this was the start to something big...I mean a girl can dream.

Here are some pictures of my rookie attempt at "branding" my product. What do you think?

On the left we have Very Berry with cinnamon agave butter cream and the right is Red Velvet.

Then I came into work and one of my kidos was wearing this shirt...a coincidence? I think NOT!

Then I just had cupcake on the brain all day. First, I thought about how cupcakes inspire....


Then, I thought about how funny cupcake jokes are....admit it...they are funny.

After that, possible cupcake purchases....I mean who doesn't want a cupcake coffee coozie?

And finally, cupcake animal talk. For those of you who don't know me, there are few things in life that make me laugh as hard as when I put words in animals mouths. 

With that being said, thank you all again for the support you've shown me. I hope I can pay you all back in cupcakes and/or other sweet treats someday soon. YOU. ARE. THE. BEST.

Party Nicole

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